

Paintings by Jennifer Kievit

There is something magical about the practice of observing and then painting. I’m drawn to landscapes that are interesting and complex. Color, light and atmosphere are my passion.

Inspiration for my work comes from a snapshot of my experiences and memories. I use watercolors to capture that heart-bursting magical feeling you get when something in nature so simple yet-so-grand taps us on the shoulder and reveals itself to us. 

I grew up on the East coast of New Jersey, spending every summer since I was 10 at the Jersey shore–swimming in our backyard lagoon or surfing at the beach. Some of the seascapes I am painting are from photos taken “down the shore” on Long Beach Island, NJ. 

For the past 10 years I’ve called Boulder, CO my home. Boulder is a mystical place with the most incredible scenic views, unbelievable skies and unpredictable weather. This combination gifts me with the most dramatic scenes to paint. My landscapes are inspired by backyard mountain hikes, fueled by high altitude, so much sun and the energy of the community.